Friday, October 21, 2011

I Wish I Was A Stalker

I have, for many months, been a lurker.  I've been travelling the Shanghai Maglev of life, only able to catch glimpses of my surroundings. A passerby of other's lives. Recently, however, I have been able to slow down and participate in conversations, relax and enjoy the stories.

Oh, how I would love to be able to shed my self even more and become a stalker! Oh, to be a fly on the wall in the lives of the interesting and compelling people I have met!  And no, I'm not talking about Jodie Foster, whom I appreciate yet feel no compulsion towards whatsoever. I'm talking about my author/writer friends who could hold me captive with their words 24/7.

Therefore, I am officially declaring Friday 'Stalker Day'.

This blog will pimp shamelessly the delicious morsels I have discovered, recruiting others to join the stalker army.  It's kind of like a Zombie Legion, only with clear minds and appendages intact.

Our first victim...  errr, "Celebrity"....  is none other than AG, aka Regected Riter, @regectedriter. 

Go to his blog....  NOW.

It's okay, I'll wait....
See what I mean?????  I KNOW, RIGHT??

I check his blog every single day, and when he goes too long without posting, I'm like, I wish I was a stalker so I could find out what's going on right now!

And a blog series was born.

1 comment:

  1. YOU ARE SO AWESOME!!!! Hahaha you really, really are, thanks so much for the shout out AND AND AND for making me a premiere blogger that you want to stalk. I really do think you are great and I am extremely honored. Thank you.
